MWA merchandise is available from the following vendors:

Name badge from
Tag-Me Engraving

Name badge from
The Sign Man of Baton Rouge

Coffee mug from
The Sign Man of Baton Rouge

MWA logo clothing from
MWA merchandise is available from the following vendors:
Name badge from
Tag-Me Engraving
Name badge from
The Sign Man of Baton Rouge
Coffee mug from
The Sign Man of Baton Rouge
MWA logo clothing from
We’ve come up with a new way to “win the pizza” for this season! In an attempt to have some fun, increase MWA scores, and level the playing field between contests, the MWA Team Competition has a new method for the 2015/2016 contest season. This was announced at the MWA meeting but I wanted to get the word out to everyone in the area.
Previously we used the percentage gain for the entire year as the determining factor for the winning team. Whoever increased the most over the entire season won the pizza. Simple!
As we analyzed the results, we found that the DX contests really drove the season. Why operate the little contests when you can create a large score in CQWW or ARRL DX? We looked at a way to make ARRL 160 or MNQP mean as much as the CQWW events.
Here is the result:
This new scoring method will hopefully get more stations active in more events. We’ll see increased activity, more QSO’s for each of us, and larger scores for MWA! I’ll have the first results out soon. Let me know if you have any questions.
73 Rich NØHJZ
That mantra goes a long way, but there is much more to learn and do to improve your contest score. This guide has suggestions everyone can implement on any budget.
Contesting takes practice and patience. Start by making a few improvements here and there, and over time it will add up to bigger scores for you and the club.
Bill Mitchell, AEØEE, provides some tips on improving your score in this article.
A few of you asked me to share how to get to a million points in the contest season. You need to make an effort to be active in all 11 contests in our contest season. I think that, with a minimal station, and some BIC time, everyone in MWA could do this. Here is the formula:
FULL YEAR TOTAL = 1,003,000 points
You’ll need to work all three modes. You can go with low power or high power. You can run assisted to add to your multiplier count. You just need to get on the air and spend some time making QSO’s! If anyone needs more help getting their station ready for the contest season, let me know.
I hope this helps more stations earn their certificates at next years meeting and enjoy the contest season more!
73, Rich NØHJZ